The 2011 Military Spouse of the Year

The 2010 Military Spouse of the Year has been announced. And… it’s not me. It’s some chick named Lori Bell.

I know. I was shocked and disappointed, too. I really thought this was my year, but Military Spouse magazine had other ideas. Yes, this is a real publication and no, I do not write for it… yet (CALL ME).

I’m sure this Lori character is nice and all, but I want my tiara! It’s my special day!!

2011 military spouse

So it may be a little premature, but I am officially starting my campaign to become the 2011 Military Spouse of the Year. It’s about time I got some recognition for all my dedication and hard work. I probably can’t nominate myself (it would not demonstrate my “servant’s heart”), so I look to you, my fine word jockey friends.

Help me put together the best darn one-sentence nomination those judges have ever seen and show them why I am “equal parts grit and grace.” Bonus points if you mention my tot-baking abilities or if you Photoshop me doing something wholesome. Triple bonus points if you actually have a photo of me doing something wholesome.

You may submit responses in the comments. My favorite gets a mention in my acceptance speech and a bottle of R&R whiskey.


1 kh { 08.06.10 at 12:36 pm }

The wholesome photo idea was a biiiig swing and a miss, but I do think I have a picture of you trying to eat strawberry flavored bubbles out of mid air lying around somewhere. If that isn’t a picture that redefines (read: inversely) grit and grace I don’t know what does.

I’m usually not a big internet commenter, but the offering of prize whiskey is a bit too tempting to pass up.

2 Gillian { 08.06.10 at 3:50 pm }

This photo you speak of… how much would it cost to make it disappear? Bubbles are wholesome, though, right? I’m sure the committee would agree.

Have you tried R&R yet? It comes in plastic bottles, costs less than Jim Beam and tastes like Crown, no joke. We shall see about that prize…

3 Brian { 08.07.10 at 1:51 am }

SO what’s in it for the husband of the spouse of the year? I’m listening…

4 Amy { 08.08.10 at 1:00 am }

Gillian, you are hysterical. In the words of you (circa 2001), I would like to shrink you and carry you around in my pocket. We can make that an apron pocket if that would make you feel more wholesome. And dainty.

5 Gillian { 08.09.10 at 11:44 am }

Brian, I feel like you’ve already won.

Haha, Amy, thank you :) Love the idea of a tiny version of me hanging out daintily and wholesomely in your apron pocket. Let’s make it happen.

6 Jules { 10.25.10 at 7:40 am }

Okay, a little late, but I do recall a photo of you from the Santa Barbara trip wholesomely (is that a word?) holding a tray of tots…that is killing several birds with one photo.

7 Gillian { 10.25.10 at 1:22 pm }

Yes, Jules! Yes, that is so freaking wholesome. Gosh, I’m a good homemaker for you ladies.

8 how to apply mascara { 12.15.11 at 8:54 am }

That was a really good post!