Posts from — November 2012

Paging Paige

I just spent 30 minutes Internet-stalking a child actress from the ’90s in a totally uncreepy way. Paige Tamada. Do you know her? No? Not familiar with her work?

Maybe this will refresh your memory.

Judy the Elf, The Santa Clause

Image source:

Yes, of course, Paige Tamada who played Judy the Elf in The Santa Clause! Obvi. IMDb tells me she had the sound judgment to pass on The Santa Clause 2 and The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause, but she did guest star several times on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Good call, Paige. Wise beyond your years.

I have a fondness for feel-good holiday films (some might say “obsession”), and The Santa Clause is a delightfully cheesy favorite. I ordered a copy on Amazon last week to add to my growing collection (along with Elf and Little Women — eeee! Movie marathon!) and was overjoyed when it arrived just in time for a Friday night viewing.

As we were watching, I shared with Brian and Kaila that a high school classmate once asked me, totally out of the blue, “Has anyone ever told you you look like Judy the Elf?” Um, no. Never. And no one ever has since. That’s a really strange and obscure reference that I probably shouldn’t get. But yet, I’m oddly, embarrassingly proud of this comparison. I mean, look at that little face! She’s adorable. What a compliment.

Anyway, back to my stalking. She hasn’t acted in anything since a 1999 episode of Ally McBeal, and I’m kind of distraught that I don’t know where she is or what she’s doing now. Well, some anonymous forum poster did say she went to UC Berkeley to study English, so it must be true.

Paige, if you’re out there, I hope you are well. I know you turned into a ridiculously good-looking adult, so you’ve got that going for you. Drop me a line, and we’ll grab a hot cocoa in Berkeley the next time I’m home. No one will even look twice at the ears.

November 16, 2012   11 Comments